The Student Support Services (SSS) program provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants and to help students make the transition from one level of higher education to the next.
TRIO @ EACC is funded through a federal grant of $375,766 from the U.S. Department of Education for the current fiscal year, with facilities and administrative support provided by East Arkansas Community College.
What are the benefits of being an SSS participant?
Some of the FREE services and programs we provide include:
- Free Tutoring
- Professional Mentoring
- Academic Advising
- Individualized Financial Aid Assistance
- Learning & Life Skills Workshops
- Cultural Enrichment
- Career Exploration
- Transfer Assistance
- Laptops, digital recorders, and calculators (loaned by semester on a first-come first-serve basis).
What are the eligibility requirements to be a part of SSS?
Student Support Service programs are designed to serve college students who meet specific program requirements. To be eligible for admission to the SSS program, students must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Each year, the U.S. Department of Education publishes guidelines which define low income based on family size. Click here for income guidelines.
First Generation College Student
First generation college students are defined as those whose parents or legal guardians have not completed a Bachelor's degree (neither father, mother, nor legal guardian has graduated from a four-year institution).
Disability refers to students with a physical or mental impairment which limits a major life activity. This includes learning disabilities. Such disabilities must be documented with the Coordinator of Disability Services.
How do I become a part of EACC’s SSS Program?
Complete and submit the application. This is a voluntary support service; thus, only by returning a completed application in a timely fashion do you have the opportunity to secure a place in the program. By applying to SSS, you will be taking a giant step toward assuring your success at EACC. Click here to access the Student Support Services Application.