Welcome to Arkansas Career Pathways at East Arkansas Community College, a state educational and financial assistance program.
Pathways is a program that enables your local two-year college to offer those who qualify for free career training and college classes. But that's not all. In addition to free training and college classes, the Pathways program may be able to help you overcome barriers that have kept you from getting the training and education you need.
CPI serves custodial and noncustodial parents of children under the age of 21. This includes parents who are or have been involved in the justice system and minor parents between the ages of 18-24. Family income must be below 250% Federal Poverty Level.
Danny Shaull Director Office: WC-130 Phone: 870-633-4480 ext. 349
Veronica Boyd Student Advisor Office: WC-110 Phone: 870-633-4480 ext. 341 |