EACC has entered into a number of articulation agreements with four-year colleges and universities for students who wish to take the first two years of a four-year program. These agreements give detailed information about specific requirements for the particular degree program and what credits are accepted. Students who plan to transfer should begin working with an EACC advisor as soon as possible to determine where they will transfer and what their major will be in order to design a degree plan that will maximize transfer hours.
Statewide Articulation
The Associate of Science in Business is designed for students wishing to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program in business. At least a 2.25 grade point average is required. The majority of occupational courses and all general education courses in this degree are considered transferable toward a baccalaureate degree. A statewide transfer agreement exists between East Arkansas Community College and the following four-year institutions to assist students in transferring into a bachelor’s degree program in business:
Arkansas State University – Jonesboro
Arkansas Tech University
Henderson State University
Southern Arkansas University – Magnolia
University of Arkansas – Fort Smith
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Monticello
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Central Arkansas
A degree plan for the Associate of Science in Business may be found in the EACC College Catalog, which may be accessed here.
Transferability of Courses – General Education Core Curricula Requirements
The Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established a minimum of 35 semester credit hours of general education courses that must be successfully completed in order to receive an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Baccalaureate degree. Arkansas Act 98 of 1989 provides that the general core of courses “shall be fully transferable between state institutions.” General education core courses fall within these areas:
English Composition (6 semester credit hours).
Speech Communication (0-3 semester credit hours).
Math (3 semester credit hours). College Algebra or course as sophisticated as College Algebra. Institutions may require students majoring in math, engineering, science, and business to take higherlevel math courses.
Science (8 semester credit hours). Science courses must include laboratories. Institutions may require students majoring in math, engineering, science, education, and health related professions to take higher level or specific science courses.
Fine Arts/Humanities (6-9 semester credit hours).
Social Sciences (9-12 semester credit hours). U.S. History or Government (3 semester credit hours) and six to nine semester hours of other social sciences.
This information may be accessed here.
Full policies and information about the statewide transferability of general education core courses may be found in the Board Policy Manual of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education: Link to ADHE Board Policy
EACC's Associate of Arts degree to ASU – Jonesboro*:
EACC’s Associate of Arts to John Brown University
EACC's Associate of Science - Business to UCA*:
EACC's Associate of Science - Business to ASU-Jonesboro*:
EACC’s Associate of Science – Business to John Brown University
EACC's Associate of Science - Business to UAFS*:
EACC's Associate of Science - Criminal Justice to ASU-Jonesboro*:
Bachelor of Arts – Sociology
Bachelor of Arts – Criminology
EACC's Associate of Science - Criminal Justice to UAFS*:
Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice
EACC's Associate of Science - Education to UCA*:
EACC's Associate of Science - Liberal Arts and Sciences to UCA*:
EACC’s Associate of Applied Science – ASU – Jonesboro
EACC’s Associate of Applied Science – Nursing (Traditional Track to RN) to UCA*